Cleveland Vintage Blog

What Is Cleveland-Style Pizza?


What Is Cleveland-Style Pizza?

Chicago-style pizza, New York-style pizza, Detroit-style pizza... but what about Cleveland?  It wouldn't be surprising if this is the first time you've ever heard of Cleveland-style pizza, but there is a movement out there to solidify just what in the world that style of pizza might even be.  So is Cleveland-style pizza real? Like most things, it depends on who you ask. While everyone can identify, say, the deep-dish style of Chicago pizza, it's hard to exactly pinpoint what might make a pizza inherently Cleveland-style. But let's take a look at what constitutes a potential Cleveland style of pizza. A Look...

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Beyond Superman: Other Comic Characters Created By Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster

Culture History

Beyond Superman: Other Comic Characters Created By Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster

If you are even remotely aware of comic book history, then you know that Glenville buddies Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created arguably the greatest superhero ever, Superman, in Cleveland in 1938 (this of course meant there were plenty of Cleveland references within their Superman comics as well). But we are willing to bet that not many of even the biggest comic enthusiasts are aware of any of their other creations, either together as a team or separately for DC Comics and other publishers. Since Siegel and Schuster lost several legal challenges to the legal rights to Superman, both men still...

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The History of the Christian Schmidt Brewing Company in Cleveland, Ohio


The History of the Christian Schmidt Brewing Company in Cleveland, Ohio

We all know Cleveland is home to some really great local breweries today, with Great Lakes, Market Garden, Sibling Revelry just to name a few. What Clevelanders may not be aware of, though, is Cleveland’s rich brewing history, so we're taking a nostalgic look back at some of the breweries that have called Cleveland home over the years. The Christian Schmidt Brewing Company in Cleveland First up will be the last to close shop in Cleveland in 1984, the Christian Schmidt Brewing Company. It should be noted that even though the brewery was not started in Cleveland, it still became a symbol...

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The Future of Burke Lakefront Airport: What Will Cleveland Do With This Property?

Cleveland News

The Future of Burke Lakefront Airport: What Will Cleveland Do With This Property?

This is the million-dollar question for downtown Cleveland - well, at least until we also get some clarity on that property currently occupied by the Cleveland Browns' stadium. What will the city do with Burke Lakefront Airport? During Mayor Justin Bibb's tenure, the future of the Burke property has garnered an increasingly large focus; after all, this could become a tremendously valuable piece of lakefront property for Cleveland. There have been plenty of stops and starts over the years when it comes to deciding the future of Burke, but it does feel like the writing is ultimately on the wall for Burke...

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Euclid Beach Park's History and Enduring Appeal in Northeast Ohio


Euclid Beach Park's History and Enduring Appeal in Northeast Ohio

Cleveland has quite a bit of history that has gone by the wayside, but one legacy that remains strong today is that of one Euclid Beach Park. Euclid Beach Park, situated on ninety-plus acres right on Lake Erie east of Cleveland at the end of E. 156th Street, began operations in 1895 and continued through good times and bad for 74 years until closing for good in 1969. Meant to be Cleveland’s answer to New York’s Coney Island, its storied legacy almost did not survive its first five years, losing around $20,000 per year, making its continued existence shaky at...

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