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You love Cleveland baseball - what beats a summer day or night at the ballpark, anyway? Absolutely nothing. And as you might expect, we're big fans of the history of Cleveland baseball, from the League Park and Municipal Stadium days to the newly renovated Progressive Field that looks to be the Cleveland Guardians' home for many decades to come.

Our Favorite Cleveland Baseball Memories

Everyone has a favorite game they've been to, so here are some of the best Cleveland baseball games I've ever seen in person:

  • The infamous 2007 midge-infested playoff game against the New York Yankees
  • Jason Giambi's late-September walk-off home run in 2013 that helped propel the team to the playoffs
  • The 22-game win streak in 2017 (despite what ultimately happened in the playoffs that season)
  • Bill Selby's walk-off grand slam in July 2002 to defeat Mariano Rivera and the Yankees (my family and I were sitting in the front row behind home plate for this game, and my sister wanted to leave early - I actually ended up missing this moment live in person, and no, I've never forgiven her for it).

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