Tortured Cleveland Football Fan Orange-and-Brown Unisex T-Shirt
Orange-and-Brown Tees for Tortured Cleveland Fans
There have been many iconic images of Cleveland football fans wearing a bag over their heads, but this is one of our favorites, taken during one of the seemingly infinite disappointing seasons we've endured since 1999.
The Drive, The Fumble, Red Right 88, Bottlegate, 1-31... what Cleveland football fan hasn't experienced one, two, or all of the aforementioned frustrating, bewildering, or heartbreaking moments rooting for the Brown and Orange? The torture for me comes from the fact that the Browns and their history make them one of the NFL's most iconic franchises. Most people don't realize that the Browns actually hold more NFL championships than any other team, but the problem is two-fold: One, they all occurred before the Super Bowl era began, and two, their last title came in 1964.
No question it's tough being a Browns fan, but hey, at least we're battle-tested.
The Perfect Shirt for All Tortured Cleveland Football Fans
Being a Browns fan means you experience misery on a higher level, but you always come back for more, each and every season. At the very least, this shirt can help you ease the pain of another hopeless, lost season that started with such promise. Grab your tortured Cleveland football T-shirt today.